Other Passive Components
Passive Components are fundamental electronic elements that do not produce or amplify energy but instead store, dissipate, or transfer energy in response to external electrical signals. Key passive components include resistors, capacitors, and inductors, each serving distinct functions such as regulating current, storing electrical charge, or filtering frequencies. Crucial in electronic circuit design, passive components provide essential functions like signal filtering, impedance matching, and energy storage, contributing to the stability, performance, and reliability of a wide range of electronic devices and systems. As a professional distributor, Ovaga Technologies provides customers with Passive Components from leading manufacturers in the industry. You can find relevant information regarding the inventory, pricing, package, and datasheets PDF for your desired Passive Components model in the product list below.
Picture & Models | Description | Quantity | Operation |
In Stock: 6,554 PCS Minimum:1
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In Stock: 6,554 PCS Minimum:1
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Photo IC, 3 Pin |
In Stock: 1,498 PCS Minimum:1
RFQ | |
Compact 5-pin SIP package allows for easy integration into systems requiring precise process control and low power consumption |
In Stock: 2,306 PCS Minimum:1
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ADI +/-15V Quad Switch/MUX provides precise control and minimal distortion in audio/video systems |
In Stock: 2,991 PCS Minimum:1
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Shop for X322516MLB4SI SMD crystals with ±10ppm accuracy at competitive prices |
In Stock: 6,288 PCS Minimum:1
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Compact and reliable timing solution for industrial application |
In Stock: 7,065 PCS Minimum:1
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Miniature surface-mountable saw filter for narrowband filtering |
In Stock: 7,937 PCS Minimum:1
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Designed for ease of use, this CRZNC integrates seamlessly into various electronic system |
In Stock: 5,421 PCS Minimum:1
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This microcontroller is housed in a QCC20 package, making it suitable for compact electronic devices |
In Stock: 2,218 PCS Minimum:1
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San Ace's MC series offers reliable performance in a tiny package |
In Stock: 5,818 PCS Minimum:1
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RF DigitalAttenuator2-bit;0,6,12,and 18 dB States |
In Stock: 6,554 PCS Minimum:1
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In Stock: 6,554 PCS Minimum:1
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2.5-2.7GHzWiMAXFrontEndModulePreliminary |
In Stock: 6,554 PCS Minimum:1
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French Electronic Distributor since 1988 |
In Stock: 6,554 PCS Minimum:1
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